F1GP-Ed Datafiles

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Amiga Formula One

1998 F1 Season Data6KThe official 1998.f1gp datafile based on the real 1998 F1 season (last updated 27th September '98 after the Luxembourg GP). As usual this this datafile will be updated after each race (i.e. it'll get more accurate as the season progresses) and will usually be available here on race day.
1998 CART Data5KThis one's for all you IndyCar fans. This datafile simulates the 1998 CART series (by Ron Vance).
1989-97 F1 Data49KA collection of datafiles, one for each season between 1989 and 1997 inclusive (by Alan Strang). Last updated 28 February 1998
Old files:
1997 F1 Season Data6KThe official 1997.f1gp datafile based on the real 1997 F1 season (final update: 28.10.97).
1996 F1 Season Data6KThe official 1996.f1gp datafile based on the real 1996 F1 season (final update: 25.11.96).

Last modified: Thursday 01 October 1998 - 20:50